If you are interested in investing for your children’s future education, a good way to achieve this is with exchange-traded funds (ETF). It is best advised to have a balanced portfolio spread over multiple asset classes so as to reduce volatility and enhance performance potential. You should consider the following points when setting up education accounts for your children: THIRD-PARTY ACCOUNTS Set up separate third-party accounts for each child. You will have control over the investment […]
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Do you want to begin your 2015 financial year on a good note? Then what better time to review your financial plan! A financial plan provides you with the financial security to overcome unforeseen events and map out a financial future for yourself. When creating a financial plan you need to identify key achievable goals that can advance your financial situation. Here are 10 tips for improving a financial plan: You need to have a clear […]
As 2014 has rolled over into 2015 people have invariably affirmed some New Year’s resolutions, but did you know that around one out of four people abandon their resolutions after one week! Seven days is all it takes to swerve off course. This isn’t because they have changed their minds about what they want, it’s because they haven’t properly envisioned how they will achieve their goals. There was a study done, showing that writing down your […]
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The Festive Season is a super time for good food and (mostly good…) family. However, after all the aunts, uncles and cousins have departed there can be a prolific amount of food still to be consumed. Letting it go to waste would be a shame, but eating the same leftovers for a week can be bland. Here are some meal ideas to try, ranging in ingredients and skill to keep the taste buds appetised: Classic Turkey […]
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People like to spruce up their houses around this time of the year with festive decorations. Either to display a better facade to guests that are invited over for dinner or to simply rouse some holiday spirit. I have put together a list of ideas to establish a merry mindset in an affordable and alternative way… take a look! A little ribbon goes a long way. Drape and fasten ribbon to banisters, windows, doors or even […]
If you’re part of a large family or have a wide circle of friends, you’ll know how expensive and time consuming it can be buying Christmas gifts. Your gift budget gets spread thin, your initiative runs dry and everyone gets a mediocre present. Here are two gift-exchange ideas that can be fun and help you save some bacon: Secret Santa This is an old tradition wherein a group of colleagues, friends or family set a price […]
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It is the festive season, the silly season and, ultimately… the discount and savings season! With fierce competition between retailers all vying for your attention and more importantly your cash, now is the opportune time to shop smart and take advantage of special offers and sales without breaking the bank. To make the most of this festive savings period you need to be aware of what deals are currently available. Browse the catalogs available at store […]
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I normally finish off the month with some awesome saving tips, but seeing that Christmas is around the corner, I thought I’d kick off December with these out-of-the-box ideas. Whether it’s sticking to the rules, brewing some domestic cocktails or just staying informed, here are some crafty ploys to keep you frugal. As always – our ‘end of the month saving tips’! DISCOVER THE FULL EXTENT OF YOUR JOB BENEFITS Most people aren’t aware of all […]
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Being entrepreneurial, following your dreams and starting something new is exciting and can be extremely rewarding. But… not being able to find reliable, competent staff is a common problem. Realising that employees are sometimes a reflection of their employer is a helpful first step towards nurturing your human capital. This is not to say that your staff are useless because you are useless – not at all! This is just a recognition that you play a […]
FNB recently did a study of the top reasons why South Africans choose to save their money in a culture with a penchant to spend, spend, spend. The results of the study show three main outcomes for which people save, prioritized differently depending on the income bracket of the person. The three main reasons for saving up funds are retirement, education and emergencies. The survey revealed that if a person earns a typical income of R200 […]
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