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Online shopping in South Africa

I find it frustrating when I can’t think of a gift to give someone who is difficult to buy for. The situation is only made worse when it’s the busiest time of the year at the malls. Luckily for me, online shopping in South Africa is growing at a phenomenal rate.Not only does this mean I don’t have to brave hordes of people, but the gift selection process is more streamlined with suggestions and sorting. Here […]

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Run your personal finances like a business

Many finance professionals and journalists agree that managing your finances as you would a business is the key to prosperity. Even the best business ideas can fail if the capital and revenue are not carefully monitored. Similarly, if you mismanage cash on a personal level you could find that you’re short of money by the end of the month.Many similarities can be drawn between how a successful business owners operates their company and how a financially […]

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Do you need a buy-and-sell?

This unfortunate situation plays out time and again in businesses around the world. The death of an active business partner places undue stress on both the business and the surviving partners.Business owners must be prepared for any eventuality that might affect their businesses, including the sudden departure of a business partner. Disaster can be avoided if business partners have an up-to-date buy-and-sell arrangement in place.A buy-and-sell arrangement consists of two parts:First, a buy-and-sell agreement, which is […]

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Easy tax-claim tips to keep you ahead!

Bank statements, municipal bills, phone bills, petrol slips, receipts, the list goes on. It’s that time of year again, when you have to forage through stacks of paper for everything that you need to fill in your tax return.Not everyone is great at admin… and there are piles of things to keep track of; it starts to mount up if you don’t have some sort of system in place.Here are some basic tips on how to […]

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Studies show that interactions with therapy animals can decrease stress in humans. Playing with or petting an animal can increase levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin and decrease production of the stress hormone cortisol. With 5 November around the corner I thought I would share some safety tips for pets and animals to reduce their stress on Guy Fawkes night. Remember that firecrackers are dangerous and safety is essential. Crackers should only be used outdoors in […]

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Investing in your child’s education is often one of the most important yet challenging saving endeavours you can undertake and as a parent you don’t need any reminding of the urgency to start planning and saving today.Having a baby has financial implications and most new and future parents need to start saving straight away if they want to be financially prepared to fulfil the dreams they hold for their children. Many new parents, however, neglect to […]

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Christmas is almost around the corner. If you want to survive the holiday season without sapping your bank account, now is the time to start planning. The number one rule for spending money is this: Have a plan, but don’t just have a plan – stick to it!Draw up a budget If you’ve read my blog before then you know that I swear by the budget, this time you’ll need two. One for gifts and the […]

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October marks Breast Cancer Awareness month, the second most common cancer (after skin cancer) in women in South Africa. According to the National Cancer Registry, 1 in 33 women are at risk of developing breast cancer.Men can also develop breast cancer although they are at a significantly lower risk with 1 in 1249 developing this disease.There are a number of factors that contribute to your likelihood of developing breast cancer. Lifestyle plays a major role — […]

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The Department of Energy recently announced that 93 grade petrol will decrease by two cents per litre from October 7. There will, however, be increases in 95 unleaded, diesel and illuminating paraffin. The department noted the main reason for the price hike was the weakening of the rand against the dollar.The price of 95 ULP and LRP petrol is set to increase by 4c a litre. The price of diesel receives the biggest increases; 0.05% sulphur […]

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Looming interest rate hikes in South Africa should theoretically lift savings rates by boosting returns, but in reality they will only make it harder for heavily indebted households to repay loans, leaving little extra money to set aside. “As a country we save way too little,” said Rian le Roux, an economist at Old Mutual. “You’ve got a group that ought to be able to save but tell you they can’t, after paying off the excessively […]

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