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What’s the state of your budget?

Each year we are presented with our president’s State of the Nation address and the finance minister’s budget speech around the same time. The SONA is closely linked to how money is spent; it’s a powerful reminder for us to consider the close link between our lives and our budgets! Good finances begin and end with good budgeting – when you have a good budget and stick to it, you’re often 90 percent of the way […]

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Breathe cleaner air in your home

Here’s all you need to know about houseplants! We live in increasingly polluted environments – both inside and outside! Trees and plants remain the best ‘machines’ for pumping down carbon dioxide and supplying us with clean air. Without good, clean air, we have less energy and are more prone to allergies and poor health. If you want to improve your home or work space, here are a few reasons why you could consider plants in your […]

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Global macro trends for SA investors to watch in 2020

Every investor has their own unique style when it comes to the rigorous decision-making process that goes into what to include in their portfolio and how to weight it. January, with the fresh perspective that comes from a break and a new financial year pending, is often the ideal time to take a look at investment decisions from a new angle. One of the most useful ways to do that is the big picture look at […]

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Four ways to invest differently this year

As much as we dislike the idea of New Year’s resolutions, January can bring with it a welcome burst of drive and energy to try and improve things from the previous year. When it comes to improving your investments, instead of focussing on maximising returns (which is never fully in our control), try focussing on the way you invest. Try out these four tips to unleash your best inner investor yet in 2020: Grow your patience […]

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Improve the way you invest for the year

Having an eager desire to achieve more is a key motivator for success. If you want to achieve more in your investing, why not consider setting new wealth goals and not just new health goals for the new year? New and revised goals require a new plan, so for continued success with your investments into this year, start planning properly. Here are four strategies to get your new investment year started on solid footing and continue […]

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The investors’ tax guide for the 2020 year

In the last few months of the year the personal income tax season hangs over year-end busy-ness like a shroud. Then, the new year begins right away with business’ financial year end looming. The last thing most of us want to think about in January is more tax. But really, January is the best time to start thinking about tax – when you are comparatively freshest, to give you the most time and preparation possible to […]

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Moving on from “summer-body” goals

Ever set yourself a goal to get your ‘summer body’ ready? On some level, all of us have moments when we’re not happy with our bodies and the way they look – whether it’s seasonal, emotional or hereditary… and we resolve to do something about it. For many of us… these turn out to be short-term goals. We could work at the change for a few weeks, or even a few months, but if we manage […]

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Reasons to be happy about inflation in SA

People are often quick to comment on doom and gloom posts and add their voice, and with the current subdued economic outlook, there seems to be plenty to be grim about. But what if we looked at something, like inflation, and highlight a positive South African success story? “… Inflation??” you cry. Hear this out. When people speak of inflation, it’s often the villain of the financial story. It’s blamed every time we swipe our cards […]

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Silver lining investments to get you through slump time

They say to make hay while the sun is shining, but what about during overcast conditions? The current outlook for SA investors is not as stormy as it was two years ago, but it certainly isn’t clear skies. While we started the year filled with new optimism in a new president and the looming threat of state capture vanishing, other problems have remained. Thanks to Eskom, plummeting business confidence scores, policy uncertainty and a host of […]

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When to re-think your medical plan

The first benefit of medical cover is peace-of-mind, the second is that you will be protected from potential financial ruin should your hospital bill be more than you can manage. It is important to be on a medical plan that suits both your monthly affordability and caters to most of your medical requirements. Since changing your medical plan or option can be costly, you need to change at the right time and for the right reasons. […]

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